The Chamber gets things done through a force of volunteers who generously donate their time and talents. Thank you to the Chamber’s valued volunteers who make our progress possible, and their member-firm employers that allow them to contribute their time and talents to the Chamber.
Local Government Affairs Committee ensures that there is adequate and appropriate monitoring, lobbying and oversight of federal, state, and local legislation and issues that could affect the Chamber and its members. Separately, to make recommendations to the Board of Directors to support or oppose issues which affect the Chamber and its members.
Chair, Bryan Cole, McKay Sposito
Cindy Goulet, LU LU Craft Bar + Kitchen/3 Eyed Fish Wine Bar Jason Jones, Express Employment Professionals Lori Lancaster, Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo Westin "Mick", Minuteman Press Kennewick Justin Raffa, Mid-Columbia Mastersingers Bryan Ricker, Schweitzer Engineering Labs Updated March 4, 2024 Nominating Committee reviews and makes recommendations about individuals who are qualified and willing to serve on the Board of Directors. It ensures that the Chamber continues to operate smoothly during transitions of elected officers and presents a slate of officers to the membership.
Chair, Torey Azure, BrandCraft Marketing
Amy Basche, Hanford Mission Integration Solutions Jim Arneson, Community First Bank | HFG Trust Updated March 4, 2024 |
Awards & Recognition Committee showcases and celebrates outstanding achievements and milestones within the Chamber’s membership.
Chair, Judy Bacon, Rollarena Skating Center
Jim Carey, Cruise Holidays Shae Frichette, Frichette Winery Steve Killoy, Amentum Bill Shibley, Wheatland Bank Kevin Sullivan, Sullivan Sullutions Sheri Strong, Smooth Moves Shayne VanDyke, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Updated January 15, 2025 Board Engagement Committee enhances board engagement, promotes effective communication, and ensures that all board members are actively involved, contributing their expertise, and aligned with the chamber's mission.
Torey Azure, BrandCraft Marketing
Tyler Best, Abadan David Elgarico, Lourdes Health & Trios Health Christine Rose-Vanwormer, Visiting Angels Megan Hughes, Barnard Griffin Winery Updated March 4, 2024 |