The Wildhorse Foundation, a community fund established by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), announced their grant awards for the first quarter of 2023.
The Wildhorse Foundation received 69 applications in the first quarter of 2023 with total requests nearing $1 million. 38 organizations were awarded grants ranging from $1000 to $16,000 for projects in the areas of Public Health, Public Safety, Arts, Education, Salmon Restoration, Historic Preservation, Environmental Protection, and Cultural Activities. Total funding awarded was $387,841.60 In 2022, the Wildhorse Foundation awarded $1,383,347 in grant funding to eligible government, Tribal and charitable organizations. Below is the list of organizations and the grant amount awarded to each for the first quarter of 2023. Organization Name City State Project Title Amount Alpenfest Enterprise OR Alpenfest 2023 $9,600.00 Blue Mountain Community Foundation Walla Walla WA Walla Walla Public Schools Field Trips $8,000.00 Blue Mountains Conservancy La Grande OR Wild School Education Classes and Habitat Enhancement $5,940.80 Boardman Fire Rescue District Boardman OR Airway Management Project $14,324.00 Cardinals Nest Waitsburg WA What's Fishy About Your Local Environment? $1,742.40 Children of the Setting Sun Productions Bellingham WA When Salmon Come Home $16,000.00 City of Union Fire and EMS Union OR Mobile Radio Updating $16,000.00 Color Our Community on Awareness Walla Walla WA Juneteenth Jubilee 2023 $1,000.00 Columbia County Sheriff's Office Dayton WA Emergency Response for Patrol $16,000.00 Confluence Project Vancouver WA “Voices of the River” Traveling Exhibit/Museum Project $8,000.00 Crow's Shadow Institute of the Arts Pendleton OR Traditional Arts Workshop Funding $8,000.00 CTUIR Department of Education Pendleton OR Feathers for Our Future $8,800.00 CTUIR Department of Public Safety Pendleton OR Prevent Homeless Pets $8,000.00 Eastern Oregon Regional Arts Council, Inc. (DBA Art Center East) La Grande OR Gallery Program $8,432.00 Friends of Joseph Fire Fighters Joseph OR SCUBA Rescue Equipment $16,000.00 Friends of The Historic Union Community Hall Union OR Historic Stained-Glass Window Repair $10,000.00 Grande Ronde Hospital Foundation LaGrande OR Grande Ronde Hospital Campus Expansion Project $16,000.00 Grande Ronde Model Watershed Foundation La Grande OR Restoration Monitoring and Evaluation of Fish Use and Movement in the Upper Grande Ronde River and Meadow Creek Watersheds $15,704.00 Happy Canyon Foundation, Inc. Pendleton OR Happy Canyon Metal Scenery Wings Repaint Project $16,000.00 Hurricane Creek GraNGE #608 Joseph OR sewer replacement and upgrade $12,000.00 Imbler School District Imbler OR Imbler High School Track and Field Program/Imbler High School Football Program $7,450.00 Kennewick Grid Kids Kennewick WA Kennewick Grid Kids 2023 Cheer/flag/ tackle football season $12,000.00 Little League Baseball Inc. - Triangle Little League Adams OR Outdoor lighting and fencing $11,094.40 Meadowood Springs Speech & Hearing Camp Pendleton OR 2023 Meadowood Speech Therapy Camp $7,600.00 Page Ahead Children's Literacy Program Seattle WA Story Leaders $4,000.00 Pioneer Relief Nursery Pendleton OR Pioneer Relief Nursery Expansion $16,000.00 Powder Basin Watershed Council Baker City OR Powder Basin Watershed Council Macroinvertebrate Surveys $4,293.60 Salvation Army Pendleton Corps Pendleton OR Community Hunger, Thirst and Utility Support $16,000.00 Special Olympics Oregon Union County Elgin OR Special Olympics Union County Uniform Replacement Project $4,500.00 Stepping Stones Alliance Hermiston OR Transportation $16,000.00 Two Rivers CDC NORTH BEND WA Veteran Stress Reduction $5,000.00 Umatilla County Cemetery Maintenance District 2 Weston OR Security gate and cameras $4,000.00 Umatilla County Soil and Water Conservation District Pendleton OR Umatilla County Bank Restoration and River Resiliency Guidebook $16,000.00 Umatilla Tribal Fire Department Pendleton OR Fire & EMS Training Equipment $16,000.00 Union County Emergency Services La Grande OR Union County Swiftwater Rescue Capability Enhancement $9,206.40 Walla Walla Symphony Walla Walla WA Rock Camp 2023 $2,000.00 Walla Walla Valley Bands College Place WA Walla Walla Valley Band Sound and Video Equipment Purchase $5,154.00 Willow Creek Park District Heppner OR Willow Creek Water Park Rehabilitation $16,000.00 In addition to the Wildhorse Foundation, there are five other Tribal community funds and foundations in Oregon. Collectively, these organizations gave out nearly $11 million in grant funding in 2022. The other Tribal philanthropic organizations are Spirit Mountain Community Fund, Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund, 3 Rivers Community Foundation, Coquille Tribal Community Fund, and Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation.
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